Scholarships and Financial Aid

We believe that studying for a degree at SIMAD University is a sound investment for your future. However, we understand that the cost of attending university can seem a daunting prospect. We offer scholarships and financial aid to prospective and current students in the form of academic merit scholarship, student loan (Qardhul Hasan), and Quran Scholarship. Here is the explanation of all the types of scholarship or financial aid available.

  • Academic Merit Scholarship 

This scholarship is awarded to faculty outstanding students based on their academic performance. All faculty outstanding students will have the opportunity to study the next semester free at the University. The scope of this scholarship is only for the next semester. To be eligible for this type of scholarship, students must be first admitted at the university and be inspired to work hard at studies to achieve excellence in academic and co-curricular and extra-curricular activities.

  • Quran Scholarship 

The University holds Quran contents every year and all university students, both females and males, can participate in this competition. Students will be asked to read some verses of the holy Quran and the University awards full scholarships to the top performing students. Each year, one female and one male student are chosen based on their performance in Quran competition and are awarded full scholarship until the completion of their studies. The university strongly encourages students to read and learn the Quran by heart. To be eligible for this scholarship, prospective students should first register at the university and wait for the cultural week, where so many contests including Quran is held.

  • Qardhul Hasan

Qardhul Hasan is a kind of scholarship or interest- free student loan program available at SIMAD University. The university strongly believes that every student has the right to attain higher education regardless of their financial background. To ensure this, the university, in collaboration with Direct Aid and Premier Bank, introduced this type of scholarship aimed to help Somali students to pursue their studies without worrying about financial difficulties. Students will only pay 30% of the tuition fee every semester and the remaining 70% will be repaid by the student within three years after graduation. To be considered for this scholarship, students should first enroll at the university and then submit a Qardhul Hasan request to the Students Affairs Office.